Cargo consolidation and delivery to site
All in-field activities are dependent on the timely delivery of material and supplies from Muscat or one of Oman’s ports. Truckoman provides customised solutions that can include rapid transport to infield locations, safe loading and unloading, collection from the port or airport or depot, load consolidation, storage (open yard, covered or temperature controlled), specialist handling, customs clearance, quality checks and more.

As well as good relations with the international freight forwarding companies Truckoman has offices, yard and warehouse facilities just outside Muscat at Jifnein that is convenient for loads moving to the interior, as well as bases near Suhar and Duqm Ports. This ensures that cargo can be moved quickly and safely from origin to location.

Contact Details
Muscat Head Office
TOGS Petroleum Logistics Complex
Building No. 6066, Block No. 1/M/306
Plot No. 1325, Way No. 671
Al Jiffnein, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
TOGS Petroleum Logistics Complex
Building No. 6066, Block No. 1/M/306
Plot No. 1325, Way No. 671
Al Jiffnein, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Phone: +968 2230 8800
Fax: +968 2230 8877
Opening Time:
Sunday - Thursday, 8am to 5pm